Permission to Melt

We've all had those days. The melt down. I've taken in too much. I can't. No more. Those days. 

Summer camp has a magical way of ensuring our children have them on the daily. Falling off the bus in a heap of "I'm tired, hungry, have to pee, want to swim, need to sleep. All of that now." 

I adore theses messy melt down moments. 

Don't get me wrong, they push my buttons also. And yet, they're endearing. Knowing that they've held it together all the damn day. And now, in our presence, it's safe to melt. 

After all, isn't this what we all crave in all of our relationships? Isn't that what we are constantly seeking? Permission to be all the things. To have all the feelings. To be accepted even when we're a melted mush of emotion. 

It's the "with you I am safe to melt" experience. It's the surrender of being home. 

No matter our age, we all need a safe place to surrender and melt. 

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