🎉LAUNCH PARTY!! Connectfulness® Practice Podcast 🎧

I'm celebrating the official launch of the Connectfulness® Practice podcast!  We'd love for you to follow us by subscribing (on apple podcastsgoogle play and more) so that you don't miss an episode. 

Join me and my cast of fascinating guests for radically honest conversations about what it means to be truly human, in all of its messy, beautiful, hilarious, and heartbreaking glory...

Truth is, the stories we tell ourselves inform how we show up in the world, the quality of our relationships and the choices we make. They make up the biosphere we live in, the air we breathe. 

Together, we'll explore the deep work of looking at ourselves in relationships, remembering who we are, how the ideas we hold of who we are get formed, transgenerational trauma, epigenetics, neuroscience and creativity. When we soften our own edges we create space for growth and intimacy. 

You can expect new episodes will be released once-a-month.

My vision is to create a community to learn together, you’re invited to join the connectfulness® community and/or write me and let me know what you’re thinking about and want to hear in future episodes. 

Join in the conversation by subscribing, rating, reviewing and sharing the podcast with others. 

Let’s start to reconnect the world, one conversation at a time.



p.s. you can cut and paste our rss feed into your favorite podcast player: https://connectfulness.libsyn.com/rss