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“Reclaiming Our Power” A Trauma Healing Workshop (for women)



“Reclaiming Our Power” is a 3-day intensive workshop that investigates the origins of patterns that cause difficulty in adult relationships. In this educational and experiential process, participants learn to identify and address early experiences that have impacted their self esteem, coping ability and relationships. The workshop in separated into four phases:

Educational Phase - During this phase participants will learn about boundaries, roles and challenges within the family system and the way they can impact our development going forward in adulthood.

Debriefing Phase - This phase includes reviewing our background and identifying non-nurturing and/or abusive childhood experiences and the associated feelings.

Experiential Phase – with the guidance and support of a trained therapist, participants reconnect with themselves at an earlier time and provide that younger self with what they truly needed. This helps participants release difficult emotions and begin to reclaim their rights and personal power.

Ongoing Recovery and Empowerment Strategies - Participants will receive a set of strategies, tools, and resources to make permanent these empowering principles in their daily lives.

Workshop Cost $1350.00
($1250 early register 30 days prior to start)

Limited to 4-5 participants
($300 deposit reserves a spot)

Starts Thurs. at 9 am and ends Sat. 4 pm

Each day @ 9 am - 6 pm
(light snacks and drinks provided)

Kim Ploussard, LMHC, SEP, DARTT has been trained in Pia Mellody’s Post Induction work for the last 13 years and uses this model when facilitating “Survivors” workshops and working with clients with trauma. She has also trained for the past 16 years with Terry Real and is on the faculty of the Relational Life Institute utilizing RLT with couples. Kim is a therapist in private practice working primarily with couples in the Albany area.

Rebecca Wong, LCSWR is training in Pia Mellody’s Post Induction model. She has also trained under Terry Real and is a certified Relational Life Therapist in private practice in New Paltz, NY.