
We produce podcasts to help undo some of the aloneness we all experience.


Journey with us into deeper relational healing and greater connectfulness.

Hosted by Jules Shore, Rebecca Wong and Vickey Easa, couples therapists (and messy humans) with more than 40 years of collective experience to holding hard relational questions with our clients. Each episode tackles a question from listeners who want help in relationships. These questions —your questions— are relational gold, they echo the conversations that take place over and over again in our therapy offices and take us deep into the skills at the heart of relational intimacy, greater health, and fulfillment.


:: On Pause Since October 2022 ::

Hosted by Rebecca Wong, the Connectfuless Practice Podcast journeys into the ways we’re broken and how we can heal.

Never before have so many people experienced such a profound sense of disconnection in every single level of their lives. The society that has the potential to be more connected than ever has splintered into hypervigilant us-vs-them-isms. The relationships we hold most dear struggle to stand up to the realities of a distracted, frenetic modern world. Most of all, we’re disconnected from ourselves –– and when that relationship with the self is off, every other relationship you have is necessarily affected.

Come back into relationship with the self, and you’ll be able to heal your relationship with others. Heal your relationships with others, and watch the world change around you.

:: Archived November 2018 ::

The Practice Of Being Seen podcast —now archived— was Rebecca’s first venture into podcasting from January 2017 thru November 2018. The POBScast examined how to create deeply restorative ripples of transformation within ourselves and with the world around us.