You or your partner are considering divorce but are not completely sure that’s the best path.
Let’s slow down and look at your options
If one of you is “leaning out” of the relationship —and not sure that regular marriage counseling would help— and the other is “leaning in” —that is, interested in rebuilding the marriage, I'll help you slow down and discern the best path for you.
Our goal is for you both to gain clarity and confidence about a direction, based on a deeper understanding of your relationship and its possibilities for the future.
As both a certified discernment counselor and a certified relational life therapist, I'll respect your reasons for separating while holding open up the possibility of restoring your relational health. I'll bring compassion and respect for each of you, no matter how you feel about your marriage at the moment. No bad guys and good guys.
I'm direct, and I'll emphasize each of you seeing your own contributions. This will be useful in future relationships even if this one ends.
Consciously choosing your relational path can be incredibly healing
If you determine that separating is the best route we’ll sit with all the feelings and process what it means and how to proceed from here, especially when kids are involved.
If you decide to repair your relationship, I can help with that too.
Learn more about my clinical practice and what to expect working with me on my FAQ page.
I work with people (18+) of all races, religions, cultures, abilities, sexualities and genders who are interested in relational healing. I offer support to individuals as well as partners in relationship.