If you’ve been following along with my posts to you over these last three weeks you may sense my excitement about the enormous potential for transformation that bringing in your authentic voice can have on all of your relationships: to yourself, to your partner, to your family and to your world. But once you do bring it in, it’s likely you’ll benefit from tools to navigate this new terrain and deepen your understanding of it.
What does relationship mean?
We grow as humans through relationships. We learn about what’s safe and what’s not safe through our relationships as infants with our caregivers, as children with the people in our lives and ultimately as adults in relationship with ourselves, our partners and our own children.
Relational healing has a lot to do with how we learn to see ourselves. The intersection of who we are and how we connect to what’s bigger than us impacts how we show up day to day, and how we understand what’s safe. All of that feeds into what triggers us. We often find ways we contort, or adapt to protect ourselves. Often there are stories we tell ourselves (usually passed down through generations) and we become triggered by how these stories affect not only ourselves but our understandings of each other in adult relationships with an intimate partner.
When we start to notice what we bring to the interpretation of the other, via our own story, and feel into where and how it triggers us in a familiar way, we begin to un-blend or disentangle from “story.” This is the moment when we can actually heal ourselves. We can notice the places where in relationship, in real time, in real life, both individually or together we can activate profound relational healing that can span generations.
I’m thrilled to be co facilitating On Oct 24th & 25th: 10:30am-6pm (EST) a 2-day online weekend Relational Bootcamp for couples, individuals, and therapists seeking certification training in the Relational Life model.
This is an authorized presentation of Terry Real's Essential Skills Relationship Bootcamp co-facilitated by me, Rebecca Wong, Victoria Easa and Juliane Taylor Shore. We are all certified Relational Life Therapists who collectively have 40 of years of experience helping individuals and couples move out of dark times.
To learn more and register to join us, click here.
Speak again soon,
p.s. have you listened to my most recent podcast episode, featuring Jules, on the science behind how your relationship can help you heal?