embracing vulnerability

5Just three days after our daughters returned to school I started showing signs of a bug shared amongst the kindergarten.  A week later, it descended and targeted my reactive airway. I haven't touched a barbell in over a week and the emotional implications are settling in. Getting everyone fed, dressed and out the door the morning feels like running a marathon! I miss feeling strong and capable. I recognize this is temporary and that my strength will return.  Still, this impasse has tuned me in.

As I struggle to breathe, many of my typical coping mechanisms are on hold...yet, what's left is being present. And yet, it's a daily challenge to get over myself enough to recognize where I am now, not where I want to be, or where I was a week ago, but right now, this place. And it's a gift really. As hard as it is to embrace in the moment. And I'm not sugar coating, it's incredibly difficult. It is a gift, too.

These, are the very 'tweaks I talk about in my work with clients. 'Tweaks that unstick us when we feel stuck. I have a choice. I can feel sorry for myself while I am recovering. Or, I can focus on and practice the art of coping with feeling vulnerable. Because that's what this really is all about. Its about the uncomfortable emotions that are uprooted by feeling less able, more dependant, weak and frail.

It is these uncomfortable, vulnerable, mortal moments that make up our lives. And the more we practice coping with these moments, and the uncertainty they evoke with us, the more fluid (and less sticky) our experience becomes.

These are human moments.  Humanity isn't a comfortable experience.  Our mortality is our only certainty. And yet, so often it's precisely these existential mortal anxieties that provoke discomfort and pain in individuals and relationships.


On a daily basis my client's share with me such discomforts and vulnerabilities and their relationship struggles that ripple out from these feelings.  We humans don't enjoy feeling vulnerable, heck what animal does?  Corner me and I'll defend myself.  That's the stuff that makes for relationship struggles.

So what happens then when we suddenly realize that the relationship we are defending is our relationship with ourselves?  With our wellness?  This is precisely where I find myself as I write this.  And also why I am calling this a gift.  It's a moment to reflect on what happens when we stop defending and start listening.

When I slow down and embrace the moment, what happens?


Everything —E VE R Y T H I N G— because everything comes back to how we relate to ourselves.  It's the one constant throughout our lives. Our relationship with our self.  So when we don't allow for the moment, when life is always about defending against the vulnerability, how does that affect us?  And how does it affect the relationships we hold dear?

Maybe, just maybe, my strength doesn't come from everything I am capable of doing but rather on how comfortable I am embracing my vulnerability.



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Parenting with Connection

published in April 2014 Organic Hudson Valley Magazine

Parenting with connection.  It’s multi-faceted and layered.  It’s about the connections we have with and within ourselves --with our elders, our spouses, friends and community and, of course, the connections we foster with our children.  Connection is at the root of all human interactions.  In the best of scenarios, our connections have the power to make us feel strong and grounded.  On the contrary, when opportunities to connect are repeatedly missed it can leave us feeling lost and empty; sometimes even angry.

By the time a child is a year old they have developed a strong tie to their primary caregiver. This connection develops out of instinctual behavior, an innate need and desire for children to be in close proximity to their primary caregiver(s).  What inspires and interests me --as both a psychotherapist and parent-- is that these early ties are closely linked with other social behaviors, such as mating and parenting.

Chances are, if a child doesn’t experience satisfying connections with their parents they may also struggle in maintaining connections with others.  The relationships we have as children with our own parents shape how we relate both to our partner and to how we parent.  Parents’ attitudes towards themselves and their children are an opportunity for learned styles of connection.  Interestingly, satisfying connections with others blossom when you cultivate an awareness of your values, replenish your reserves and hone your priorities.

Make time for yourself.  Parents often come into my psychotherapy practice when things aren’t going well at home.  The needs of the family are out of balance.  Many parents, with the best of intentions, devote all of themselves to their child(ren).  The problem is that this leaves you with empty reserves and depletes your resources to care for yourself or others.  Think of what they tell you on the airplane: ­­if there’s a loss of cabin pressure, air masks will deploy; put yours on before assisting someone else.  You must care for your own physical, emotional and spiritual needs if you expect to have resources available to care for someone else.

Make time for your relationship.  It’s the little things that matter most.  Staying available to your partner with both body language and responsiveness --that’s the stuff kids watch, absorb and model themselves after.  When you repeatedly miss opportunities to connect with your partner your children see parents who are at odds with one another instead of on the same page.  Parents connect with their children in a much more effective way when they parent as a team.  When you make an effort to connect to your partner on a daily basis you are modeling what healthy relationships look like.  It helps your kids create a healthy framework for the relationships they will have later in life.

Slow down, re-prioritize and listen.  The more we create and include our children in daily routines, the more we seize the opportunity to connect.  When we connect, we influence and we create opportunities to pass down our values.

A personal example: recently, our young daughters have become finicky eaters.  They want this, they don’t want that, and then they change their minds mid-meal.  A result of their pickiness is often wasted food.  While we don’t want them to feel they can’t change their minds, we also need to respect our resources.  My husband and I share these observations with them.  Then we each reopen the discussion while planning food shopping lists as a family. We discuss this need to respect our resources again while we grocery shop together.  Of course, they still change their minds, but less frequently and with awareness.

Understand that you are cultivating a relationship that --for the rest of their lives-- will enable your children to feel confident as they explore the world.  That is the parenting connection.

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Love & Connection

originally published in

Healthy You Magazine

 Jan/Feb 2014

I retreated to my office for the morning, but a snowstorm pulled me home.  I came home and rolled around on the floor with my young daughters while my husband plowed the driveway.  I later hid away to write until dinner.  After our meal we all took a silent stroll through our snow covered property searching for owls in the night sky.  Once the kids were asleep, it wasn’t hard to procrastinate writing once again, by choosing to prioritize making love and deeply connecting with my husband.  It’s these connections that fuel my story for you.

Connection is at the root of love; connection to others, connection to ourselves, connection to our environment.   We all have choices:  daily choices, moment by moment, to connect or disconnect.  In today’s day and age, our interconnectedness is both expansive and isolating.  Personally, I’ve been sitting with my discomfort around writing.  It’s not that I don’t have enough to write about; perhaps I have too much.  My discomfort has been more about balancing my desires to connect versus isolating myself in writing.

Regardless of our relationship status, we all want to feel loved.  It is this very quest, to connect to others to feel loved, that abounds and unites us all.  We all desire to find comfort and connection in another.  John Bowlby, known in the modern psychoanalytic world as the father of attachment theory, describes mental health as the capacity to make intimate emotional bonds with others.   And yet, when that opportunity for connection is present, we so often allow it to pass us by.

I’ve been aware of my own desires.  I’ve been aware of the needs and demands of those in my life and of my own deadlines.  I’ve been playing with balancing all that fills my life.  Through being aware of the balance, through prioritizing my life and my connections; I’m making it work.  However, finding this balance doesn’t come naturally.  I found balance because I didn’t get in the way of opportunities to connect. I carved out time for writing and I made an effort to tune out distractions.  Staying aware of that process -- allowing space to bounce around and to come back – is the start of connection.  Discomfort is not bad a thing, it’s information.  It’s the first step in tuning into to ourselves.

John Gottman is one of the most influential therapists, researchers and authors of the past 4-decades.  His work on marriage and parenting highlights the importance of establishing and maintaining healthy connections.  In much of his work, he talks about a central theme of turning towards or turning away from bids for attention.   These bids for attention are opportunities to create, increase, maintain and re-establish connection.

When a bid for attention is well received, it can be as simple as returning a smile or answering a request such as “can you help me do the dishes”  by grabbing a dish towel.  In this example, it’s easy to see how a bid for attention is essentially an invitation to engage in a connection. Often though, even when we desire connection, we turn away.  We turn away because connecting can make us feel vulnerable, uncomfortable, or challenged.  But when we turn away, we also inadvertently tell others to stop making bids.  We communicate disinterest and often, we devalue the connection we really desire. It happens all the time, when we respond with comments that are disinterested, defensive and disengaged (such as: “mmhhmm [attention on smartphone]”, “you can do that yourself”, “why do you always ask for help?”, “not now, I’m so tired”, or “I have more important things to do”.) As bids for attention increase in value and meaning, so does the potential for hurt and fracture.  When couples repeatedly turn away from bids they stop making an effort to connect, feel lonely and then they come into counseling wondering how they got there.   The question I find myself often pointing clients to is:

How do you relate to your desire to feel loved?

This question permits curiosity. Do we allow opportunity for connection? Do we cultivate and maintain the connections we have? Many clients struggle with finding their answers. The thing is that the struggle is natural.  The key is understanding that it’s not the struggle that causes our suffering, it is how we relate to our struggle that does!

 By far, the reason most clients find their way into psychotherapy is that they are seeking connection or they aren’t experiencing connections that feel good.  They come to me struggling.  This is the human condition: to struggle.  Many of us bounce up against our past over and over again.   In our attempts to move forward, we often choose to either dismiss or ruminate in our feelings.  Neither works, at least not well or for very long.  When we dwell on a bad feeling, thought or event, we continue to feel the same bad feeling.

It’s not all that uncommon for us to dismiss feelings as unimportant, says Gottman.  In 1985 his research assessed parents’ attitudes towards their own emotions and their children’s. What it uncovered was two groups of parents.  One group of parents was emotionally dismissive (the larger group, unfortunately) while the other group were emotional coaches.  Gottman showed that parents’ emotional attitudes opened or closed the opportunity for learned styles of connection. He showed that if children are not connecting to their parents around emotions, then the idea that personal feelings aren’t of value get’s reinforced.  It becomes the way we relate to ourselves.  It becomes the way we relate to our struggles.

I am not suggesting that we can only know connection or that we can only experience love within the construct of a relationship.  We can, for example, imagine a happy hermit, perhaps a mountain top monk who knows how to live independently and be purely happy.  But in reality, the happy hermit is a rare breed.  For most of us, less enlightened then that monk, we fair better in connection to others even with the struggles and trials and heartbreaks of marriage.  Even with that stress, connection to others is healthier for us!  In his book Full Catastrophe Living, Jon Kabat-Zinn writes “The fact that studies could show a relationship between the sheer number of social connections and the death rate in a large population implies that our connections play a very powerful role in our lives.  It suggests that even negative or stressful connections with people may be better for our health than isolation, unless we know how to be happy alone, which few of us do.”

We connect through communicating with our senses, all our senses: our eyes, ears, minds, noses, bodies and tongues. We communicate and connect through eating together, through looking at one another, through touch and smell.  We communicate through reading, writing, speaking and listening. But most of us aren’t taught or trained in the skills of listening.  To truly interact and influence another, you first need to understand, to listen.  It’s a flow, it’s experiential, that feeling of really being heard.  That’s the turning toward a bid for connection.

Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, whose teachings are among the most oft referenced in my work, says that we should begin practicing loving meditations on ourselves and then later expand that practice onto others.  Looking and listening within, with a sense of curiosity is the beginning of the self-love meditation.  In his book, Teachings on Love, he says, “To know the real situation within ourselves, we have to survey our own territory thoroughly, including the elements within us that are at war with each other.  To bring about harmony, reconciliation, and healing within, we have to understand ourselves.  Looking and listening deeply, surveying our territory, is the beginning of love meditation.”

I like to think of this love meditation as a practice of self compassion, deep listening and curiosity.  When we show up with and foster curiosity, there isn’t room for the duality of judgment. We can see our past but not be stuck in it.  We can conceive of our worries and fears but not be paralyzed by them.   Awareness is the greatest teacher.  Balance is the art of awareness and response. Have you ever noticed how the act of maintaining balance is dynamic? Balance isn’t ever static.  I think for example of a practicing a handstand.  While a perfectly poised handstand seems so solid and strong, the gymnast is artfully tuning in to each little shift and responding accordingly, hollowing their core, driving through the shoulders, pointing the toes, playing with the back and forth fine tuning of maintaining their balance in their hands, ever so slightly back and forth between the palm and the fingers.

There is an art in maintaining balance, even with respect to love. The art lies in developing and maintaining awareness of when we are off balance; this awareness, of when we are out of balance, allows us to make adjustments to bring us back into balance. That is perhaps the biggest lesson. Love and connection exists within each of us. When we look for partners to value, affirm and admire us -- instead of looking within ourselves, admiring ourselves, finding our own value and affirmations -- our connections often will continue to elude us. Whether you are married, in a relationship or looking forward to your next one, hold on to these thoughts; only when we find love and compassion within ourselves does life find more balance, and only when we find balance within ourselves, can we see the full power and potential of love and connection that exists outside of us within our relationships.

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Bowlby, J. (1988). A secure base: Parent-child attachment and healthy human development. New York: Basic Books.

Gottman, J. & Silver, N. (2012). What Makes Love Last? How to build trust and avoid betrayal. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Kabat-Zinn, J. (1990). Full Catastrophe Living: using the wisdom of your body and mind to face stress, pain, and illness. New York: Delta Books.

Nhat Hanh, T. (2007). Teachings on Love. California: Parallax Press.

Open House

5 Cliff Street, 2nd Fl., Beacon NY

Saturday January 11th, 2014

from 3-6pm

New Year & Local Art Celebration

5cliff full

Event Sponsored by The Beacon Public Space Project & The 5 Cliff Street Studios including:

  • Rebekah Azzarelli, Homeopathy
  • J.C. Calderon Architect, LEED AP  www.jccarchitect.com
  • Elizabeth Casasnovas, LCCE, Childbirth Education, Doula, Prenatal Yoga  www.beaconbirth.com
  • Emily Joslin-Roher, LCSW, Psychotherapist
  • Paul Supple, Lawyer www.supplelaw.com
  • Hope G. Turino, LCSW, Certified/Licensed Psychotherapy and EMDR
  • Rebecca Wong, LCSW, Psychotherapy & Coaching  www.rebeccawonglcsw.com

CRAFTING REMEMBRANCES: Honoring a Mother's Loss

CRflamesMonday, December 16th, 2013, 6:00-8:00pm Hosted by Illuminated Baby at Fiberflame, 1776 Route 212, Saugerties, NY 12477

We gather together, as Women, to support and nurture one another as we share our journey of healing after the loss of a child, miscarriage or stillbirth. Using our hands and hearts we will "craft a remembrance" to honor our beloved child and our experience as we move forward in a safe supportive space facilitated by Rebecca Wong, LCSW.

There is a $15 Material fee (for which some donations have been received)

Registration is required: contact illuminatedbaby@gmail.com or 845-684-7024

Find our FaceBook event HERE.



“Each time you look at a tangerine, you can see deeply into it. You can see everything in the universe in one tangerine. When you peel it and smell it, it’s wonderful. You can take your time eating a tangerine and be very happy.” ― Thích Nhất HạnhPeace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life

For as long as I can recall, I struggled with my body image.  Food and weight was a loaded subject in my household growing up; a story that can be traced back several generations.  Our bodies were commented on in less than empowering ways and complements weren't experienced positively when received.  My father died at the age of 52 of heart disease and type II diabetes that stemmed from a life of obesity.  I knew I wanted to be healthier, but without a model of what that looked like I was in for a long road of trial and error.  I've struggled with headaches and IBS, PCOS, obesity, disordered body image and eating and an un-inspired, non- athletic, deconditioned childhood.

In the last two decades I've tried every style of "healthy eating" from veganism to paleo.  I've restricted my calories and eliminated food groups, worked with fitness coaches, dietitians, acupuncturists and physicians...  For a long time I hated preparing meals, I'm just starting to really embrace the preparation.  How I made changes had SO much to do with learning about food and how it affected MY body AND also understanding the values surrounding food and nourishment, the ones I choose for myself and the ones that were passed down. I believe in the power of gaining awareness over our the stories and fuel that feeds us.  With awareness we can find healing, we can re-prioritize, re-inspire ourselves and learn how to nourish ourselves fully.

I have learnt that what works best for me is to eat a diet rich in unprocessed whole foods.  I don't stress the occasional treats or processed foods -- I practice mindful eating and enjoyment.   I don't use a scale very often, I listen to how my body feels.  I embrace my fluctuating body in all it's shapes and sizes and strengths.

Our relationships with food and the emotions we tie to eating have the power to free us of hold us back. I don't want to pass down the lessons about food and body image and nourishment that where passed down to me,  I choose body freedom.  I choose nourishment.  

In Warmth & Wellness,

first name sig

working with me


“The mind is everything. What you think you become.”―Buddha

Therapy can be extremely rewarding when you engage in the process of trying on new perspectives, tweaking habits that don’t serve you, and learning to nurture yourself and your relationships in new ways. The work of opening and examining your inner world — and trusting to share that process with another — requires considerable courage.

Together, we cultivate a healing relationship that nurtures the delicate balance of listening to your inner wisdom, respecting your limits, and encouraging growth. We take time to explore your hopes, joys, and fears to better understand your journey and find more satisfaction in your life and relationships. I help you build awareness of your own strengths and deepen your bond to yourself and become the person (or partnership) you would like to be.

As a psychotherapist specializing in maternal and relationship wellness, I work with women and couples to enhance both partners ability to understand and communicate effectively with one another, work as an effective, loving team and rebuild and/or maintain intimacy in your relationship.  Helping women, couples and families through the pregnancy and postpartum and parenting spectrum is a primary focus of my practice.

I work with many new(ish) mothers who have lost track or forgotten how to nurture and care for themselves. There is no wellness in depletion.  Mothers are sacred. They hold the family together with their pivotal nurturing role. Motherhood (and fatherhood, too) provides opportunity to grow beyond by nurturing and meeting needs within ourselves and rediscovering our sacredness.  It is for that reason that I believe whole-family wellness begins with the mother’s wellness.

I am very interested in how the mind and body work together. I believe all patterns and habits --of both movement and of thought-- can be refined and honed. Sometimes this work is best achieved in my psychotherapy office, sometimes in my gym.  Life presents challenges and stressors. Utilizing weight and fitness training in therapy is a novelty for sure, and it's not for everyone, but I do offer it to select clients.  Regardless of where we work, the premise of the work is that we can practice and hone mental training cues that work best for you in therapy/in sport/under the barbell, and then you can learn to translate them into your life and your relationships.

When you choose to enter into a nurturing therapeutic relationship with me, we utilize my unique blend of psychotherapy and coaching to reshape mind, body, and spirit.  We build on your strengths.  We tap into the power of relationships, first through developing our therapeutic relationship with one another, then by honing your relationship with yourself and eventually through coaching you how to use what you have learned in therapy in all of your other life relationships.  We practice mindfulness and compassion; we nurture wellness.  Wellness is multi-dimensional; body, mind & spirit --it begins in the mind and is nurtured through our self-view and our relationships with others.

In other words, we tap into your strength potential and get you good with yourself --body, mind & spirit-- then we build on that and make your connections to others in your life stronger too.

In Warmth & Wellness,

 first name sig

It's all in the set-up!

I was reading the comments on one of my favorite Facebook pages and a follower asked

"How do you ever really feel peace when you try and try and try again and continue to FAIL! It is hard to feel at peace with your body when you look in the mirror and hate what you see  If only there were more sources that make you feel ok in your skin! I love the concept of the new jean commercial that states the size as "amazing" or "sassy"..."   

I'm not usually one to respond to followers on someone else's page, but this time I did. I said,

"Set goals that aren't subjective.  When you run a mile, you've run a mile.  When you run it faster than you did last time that's a personal record.  Set goals that allow you to build success upon success so you focus on the successes rather than the failures. It's all in the set-up."

Can you see the difference between my comment and the one I was responding to?

This past year I've attended a variety of Olympic Lifting coaching trainings and I've learned very valuable coaching perspectives from all of them, perhaps the most valuable takeaway for me;  it's all in the set-up!  


If you are comparing yourself to advertisements you aren't going to look as airbrushed or styled, or fit.  Even the actors/models/athletes/politicians themselves don't in real life.

If you start comparing yourself to yourself and start looking at non-subjective goals, it's going to start adding up.

Confidence will grow and it will get easier to keep looking for success.

Here are some more little tidbits I've picked up in relation to coaching the Olympic Lifts, can you see why this SO speaks to the psychotherapist in me...? ;)

  • Learn the skills to observe and analyze and you can deepen pathways to provide more ease, efficiency and effectivity.
  • The greater the technique, and skill, the more movement we can make under stress (i..e.,weight on the barbell/life).  Both strength and technique are buildable.
  • Look for weakness not as an end, but with the end in mind.
  • Learn to see pathways towards success and isolate how to get there.
  • Look at the process; where and why you are there.
  • Understand where do you want to go and how to get there and then they craft a program to get there; maintain focus and observation allowing for shifts to programing as needed.
  • The learning and refinement of skill and strength creates a new pathway and a successful pattern.   Success built upon success and allows for greater growth.

I like to think that this is a role I take on with my clients.  Not necessiarily in relation to coaching athletes on Olympic Lifts, but certainly that I take the process of breaking down skills strengths and patterns into successful training pathways and apply that methodology to other pathways in life as well; building success upon success in the form of mental training and coaching.

How do you shape your paradigm so you see opportunities for success rather than failure?