027: Into the Deep Creative Process with Chris Zydel

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So often in the journey of relational healing we discover parts of our Selves have been disowned — the parts of one's spirit which allow spontaneity and imperfection and cultivate abundance and joy. In this episode we explore the creative process as a way to bear witness to these parts of Self.

My guest, Chris Zydel, The Wild Heart Queen, works with people using creativity and artistic expression as a way to get in touch with the deeper aspects of who they are. Chris says the ‘creative juice’ is our ability to meet the mystery of what we don’t know within ourselves and within each other.

Join us on a reclamation of trust in our deeper knowings and permission to reshape how we see ourselves and develop new cultures, together.


  • With expression, there is no right way to do it.

  • Identifying layers

    • what is it that's really you?

    • what is conditioning?

    • what is trauma?

  • Inner Critic

  • In America we're so focused on everyone being a certain way to be accepted. That voice becomes ingrained in who we are.

  • We all have an inner wise person and an inner healer that are always there.

  • Creative process is a way to access that. It bypasses language — brings people straight to painting with color, shape, image, emotion, through the aliveness. Aliveness is embracing all of it.

  • Helping people to take the lid off. Giving them permission to be their whole selves. As big, full, and alive as you are without being rejected by their community.

  • The vulnerability of sharing ourselves encourages others to do the same

  • Every time someone takes a courageous creative risk, it opens the door for everybody else to take that same risk, to be vulnerable in that way.

  • Perfection is not real, it is a mask people wear to try and prevent others from seeing their authentic selves.

  • Fear of rejection. Both of being rejected by others, and also of rejecting parts of Self.

  • We need those parts that feel so wild, feel imperfect, that we don't know ourselves.

  • We need to be held, guarded, given permission. What the younger parts of us need and didn't get.

  • We all need to be seen, playfulness, gentleness, compassion, and to be celebrated.

  • Creative Juice = meet the mystery of what we don't know within ourselves and within each other.

  • People get in their heads around their painting, back to the body: explore what emotion you felt while painting, not what you thought about.

  • We can quickly be betrayed by our thoughts while our feelings and bodies can hold and ground us in many ways.

  • Group work encourages everyone to go further than they would on their own. If you create the right conditions, you will feel safe enough, and there's the invitation for courage and bravery with that safety, the miracle of unfolding happens.

  • As we get to know ourselves deeper, we have these archetypes, "these are the ways I've come to know myself."

  • "Art of Inner Goddess Creation" takes people on a creative journey to discover what their archetype is, to then do things to create from that place.

  • The parts of us that we reject or don't see = the shadow.

  • The patriarchal mindset is that we are deficient, that we are not enough, that we always have to feel small. This work turns that on it’s head.

  • We have gifts that we bring to the world — fierceness, anger, kindness, wildness, loving nature, brilliance.

  • Anger is fuel, direction, an arrow. It helps us know what boundaries haven't been set and need to be set, or for injustices that are happening to us and around us.

  • So much of the work is helping people drop into their embodied experience of it, and then to open out into the spiritual experience of it.

  • Reclaim our connection- it's an ongoing challenge to talk about these powerful, embodied spiritual experiences that can not be contained with language.

  • As people engage with themselves on this embodied, spiritual, creative level and they're pointing or moving or being in circle and being witnessed, things start to shift and change and it feels like magic to people.

  • It doesn't matter how we get there, it matters that we arrive. Everybody's journey is different so there is no map, learning to trust intuition

  • Can you trust in your deeper knowing and your "intuitive self and follow that and let it lead you wherever it leads you.

  • Painting is a way of experiencing your aliveness and bearing witness to it.

  • This is a place of mythic connection, you are connecting to the wise healer that's inside of you and that wise healer will ask you to do things on trust.

  • When you're engaging with your intuition, when you're engaging with the creative process, when you're engaging with the mystery, the spiritual energy, it's going to call you outside of those conditioned walls of judgement, expectations, the rues, who we are supposed to be, how we get approval, how we get accepted. The work helps people to break free of that.

  • If we allow for our full expression of who we are, if we are fully accepting of who we are and who other people are, it shakes up the balance of culture at large.




Essential Skills Relationship Bootcamp | April 24-25, 2021
This is an authorized presentation of Terry Real's Essential Skills Relationship Bootcamp. Open to individuals, couples and therapists. A combination of lecture, role-play, small group exercises and personal work.

Supporting Your Relational Self | Begins February 2021
6-week-online-course focuses on your relationship to Self, other intimate relations. Cultivate practices to sustain during these chaotic times.

We’re seeking listener questions to fuel the production of our new podcast at whydoesmypartner.com


This podcast is not a substitute for counseling with a licensed provider.

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