
029: Creating A Sense of Your (Imperfect) Self with Rick Butts

029: Creating A Sense of  Your (Imperfect) Self with Rick Butts

Today’s guest, Dr. Rick Butts, cofounded the Healing Our Core Issues Institute (HOCII) with Jan Bergstrom, a past podcast guest. Rick and I discuss how the nature of the child —to be imperfect and human— is linked to how we humans come to know ourselves as we mature. We explore the woundings, teachings and adaptations that shape us in our formative years and become how we present in the world. And we examine the tasks of recovering our sense of self which comes when we can see and accept ourselves as human in all areas of our life.

028: The Legacy of Chronic Loneliness with Kelly McDaniel

028: The Legacy of Chronic Loneliness with Kelly McDaniel

We need relationship in order to survive. If you were raised without a secure base you likely learned early on to modify yourself. In this episode I am talking with Kelly McDaniel, LPC, NCC, CSAT, author and psychotherapist, about the complex trauma of chronic loneliness and how to heal from the toxic stress of disconnection.

023: Breaking the Cycle of Unavailable Relationships & Love Addiction with Shena Tubbs

023: Breaking the Cycle of Unavailable Relationships & Love Addiction with Shena Tubbs

Shena Tubbs joins me to talk about how early trauma manifests in our adult relationships. Persistent love addiction/love avoidant adult relationships are often a recreation of early trauma, of seeking out people that would do the same, in hopes that it will turn out differently. Healing begins with getting the language and words around family trauma and what did/didn’t happen and then practicing the skill of loving yourself, which carries over into how you do relationships.

017: Embodying Resilience During COVID-19 with Dr. Shideh Lennon

017: Embodying Resilience During COVID-19 with Dr. Shideh Lennon

Dr. Shideh Lennon, a clinical psychologist and Somatic Experiencing practitioner, joins us to discuss how to embody resilience during the current COVID-19 pandemic. We talk about simple practices that we can all use to bring ourselves back into our bodies. We’re still going to feel it all, but these tools may help increase our capacity by being our biggest best selves, so that we may bear and be with all that's arising.

015: Journey To Discover The Self with Jan Bergstrom, LMHC

015: Journey To Discover The Self with Jan Bergstrom, LMHC

In this episode, one of my teachers, Jan Bergstrom, LMHC explains how the Self exists in relation to our own perceptions, our own thoughts, our own experiences, and our own souls. Jan is an expert in field of codependency, developmental and relational trauma in the lineage of Pia Mellody, a pioneer in treating childhood trauma.

010: Mending Racialized Trauma: A Body Centered Approach with Resmaa Menakem

010: Mending Racialized Trauma: A Body Centered Approach with Resmaa Menakem

Resmaa Menakem, healer, author, and trauma specialist, says that to address white-body supremacy we need to work with race or culture to cultivate a somatic abolitionist mindset or community. And part of that is gaining some reps to know what to pay attention to, some reps with each other’s nervous system so we can create a culture that knows what to pay attention to. Otherwise it’s just strategy.